She/Her | IDN (Mostly)

Hi, Nice to meet you! You can call me with Fel, or Piel, or whatever you like to call me (as long i'm okay with that.yes)

Before you follow☆

Unlabeled acc but mostly mobage and irl (?), Loud (suka ngerant jg dsini), Harshword sometimes, ngomong kadang campur inggris (mmf), Sometimes i do Oc x Canon/Yume too, and i Oftenly busy and bit shy (lol) so i'm sorry if im not that active to interact but i will try my best to interact !

Do not follow if ×

Basic dni/dfi criteria (racist, religion phobic etc), ↓16, Westerner, Hate my fav, cannot seperate real world and fiction.


Bub for break mutual
Ah iya.. kalo ak ada salah ke kalian langsung kasih tau di dm ya biar aku bisa memperbaiki diri !!! Jangan dipendem hehe ^__
For now, i mainly do oc x canon (yume) with Rei Sakuma (Enstars)
Please mute rfl if you dont want to see my oc x canon ship!
I don't mind any ship like HL/GL/BL

My Interest...

Mobage (mostly all of them is gacha games.. sorry they r so fun to play lol)
Mainly Ensemble Stars, Honkai Star Rail... but i do like Project Sekai, Genshin, Identity V, Bandori, Tasokare Hotel, etc; and other thing like Manga, Manhwa and else.

My Fav (including my otp)

Ensemble Stars -> UNDEAD (mainly Rei).
My otp is Kaoru/Anzu, but i do like polyUndead; Besides that, i do like Valkryie (Mainly Mika), Ra*bits, Kanata, and Tsumugi too.

Honkai Star Rail -> Kafka, Gepard, Trailblazer (i love them equally), Himeko. For my otp is DanHeng/March, Arlan/Asta, Kafka/Blade; and i do like bit Gepard/Bronya (sorry).

Project Sekai -> Mainly 25-Ji, but i do like all of them wwww... Oh iya, sometimes i do like rt about kaimiku.

There is much thing that i like and rt and honestly i can't add all of them here WKWKWK